2023, A Year of Wonders

by | Safari Life


My year of adventures have redefined my understanding of wilderness and unveiled the raw beauty of some of the world’s most captivating landscapes. From the heart of Africa to the rugged terrains of Alaska and the untamed expanses of Argentina, my travels took me on an unforgettable adventure across continents—diverse destinations we can’t wait to share with you! Don’t hesitate to reach out to explore itinerary ideas!

Botswana — A Symphony of Wilderness:

My year started in Botswana, a country that boasts some of the most pristine and untouched natural habitats on the planet. The journey began in the Okavango Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site where water channels weave through lush grasslands, creating a mosaic of life. From mokoro rides to walking safaris, every moment was a celebration of the incredible biodiversity that thrives in this wetland oasis.

Moving to Linyanti and its floodplains, I witnessed how wildlife interacts with the water, such as lions jumping over water to avoid getting wet and red lechwe using the flood waters to escape predators.

The Chobe River, with its eye-level boat-based safaris, gives any traveler a unique perspective to viewing elephants, hippos, and crocodiles. Savuti, somewhere I have wanted to visit since first seeing it in a National Geographic special, did not disappoint. The wildlife was amazing!

The vastness of Makgadikgadi, with its otherworldly salt pans, was a surreal experience. The silence of the desert offered a unique perspective on the untamed beauty of Botswana and experiencing meerkats up-close-and-personal is something special.

Finally, the Central Kalahari unfolded its secrets as I encountered the famous black-maned lions and the resilience of life in one of the harshest environments on Earth.

Argentina’s Hidden Gems — Ibéra and Impenetrable National Park:

In May, I was lucky enough to visit Argentina as we develop new areas to design conservation-based safaris. The wetlands of Ibéra unfolded like a hidden paradise. Exploring this vast network of lagoons and marshes, I encountered a rich tapestry of birdlife, caimans, and capybaras. I even spent over two hours with an endangered giant anteater, one of the many species Rewilding Argentina is reintroducing to their natural habitat.

It was a serene contrast to the rugged landscapes of Impenetrable National Park, where I stayed in a remote camp owned and operated by a conservation group. The dense forests and diverse ecosystems revealed the country’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage.


Alaskan Wilderness — Lake Clark, Katmai, and Kenai Fjords:

In June, I ventured into the pristine wilderness of Alaska. While in Lake Clark and Katmai National Parks, I witnessed the iconic brown bears on foot. Observing these majestic creatures in their natural habitat is, in my opinion, one of the best wildlife experiences on the planet. It is always amazing to watch people’s perception of bears change while they are comfortably sitting within 50 yards from a 1,000+ pound predator!

Kenai Fjords National Park presented a different facet of Alaska’s beauty, with its glaciers, fjords, and diverse marine life. The towering cliffs and the thunderous crack of calving glaciers were a stark reminder of the forces that shape this icy wonderland.

Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park — A Symphony Continues:

For my visit to Zimbabwe in October, Hwange National Park awaited, a haven for elephant enthusiasts. There is no better place to see large herds of elephants than at waterholes in Hwange during the dry season. At my final camp, I was welcomed to over 350 elephants at the waterhole outside my tent, but the highlight of the safari was tracking two reintroduced white rhinos in Southern Hwange.

Tanzania’s Splendors — Tarangire, Ngorongoro, and the Serengeti:

Lastly, in November, my adventures continued to Tanzania, where the expansive landscapes of Tarangire National Park welcomed me with open arms. The iconic baobab trees and the great elephant migration were awe-inspiring sights, setting the stage for the wonders that lay ahead.

Descending into the Ngorongoro Crater was like stepping into a wildlife amphitheater. While it is sometimes tough to avoid a line of safari vehicles at great sightings, due to our patience, we were lucky to get a lot of time alone with a lioness and her four cubs.

In the Serengeti, we witnessed the beginning of the wildebeest Great Migration. But it was in the open plains of the Eastern Serengeti that I finally saw my first successful cheetah hunt! The pure speed on display was amazing to see.



