Olson’s Bring It to Safari Professionals
Having worked closely with zoos and aquariums throughout the world, as well as with some of the largest and most influential wildlife conservation organizations, Steve is uniquely qualified to help AZA institutions develop and expand their travel programs in support of each zoo and aquarium’s conservation goals.
Laura’s extensive travel experience includes her 14 years as Meeting and Travel Manager for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, a professional, scientific and credentialing association with over 228,000 members and affiliates. After living for a year as an exchange student in Chile, she earned her bachelor’s degree in Spanish. Laura has enjoyed traveling to other countries in Central America and has a passion for other cultures and nature. Having traveled with Steve and Safari Professionals’ CEO Tom LaRock on safari in Kenya, Laura joins Safari Professionals as Private Safari Consultant and will assist our AZA partners in developing their private safari programs.
I invite our many travelers, friends and colleagues to welcome Steve and Laura to the Safari Professionals Family.