Be Prepared!

Shortly after you register for your safari, you will receive a digital copy of your own personalized *Safari Guide. It will contain detailed information about every aspect of your safari. Because each country has different customs and systems, your Safari Guide will be customized to provide you with detailed information that only applies to the destinations you will visit on your safari. You won’t have to sort through pages of extra material that do not apply to your personal travels.

* In keeping with our commitment to Responsible Travel, we do not automatically print and send you a hard copy of your Safari Guide. However, we will send you a hard copy upon your request.

Questions? Contact a Safari Professional today! 703-981-4474

Questions? Contact a Safari Professional today!

Starting with passport and visa information, your Safari Guide will cover a wide variety of subjects, including:

• Immunizations, Medications & Health Services

• Electrical Connections

• Money/Currency

• Smart Clothing Choices

• Wi-Fi, and Mobile Phones

• “What to take” Checklist

• Photography

• Suggested Reading List

• On Safari Safety

• Recommendations

• Luggage & Packing

• Responsible Travel

• Local Customs

Your Safari Guide (see the sample page at right) will contain live links to several important websites, including the U.S. State Department, the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Customs Agency. Whenever you have questions, we are available to speak with you personally – or reply to your emails. A successful safari is the result of thorough planning, effective preparation, and exceptional implementation. Working together with you, we will help you create and enjoy the safari of your dreams!

Some of the best chefs in Africa create delicious and nutritious meals for our guests. Please click here to learn more about fine safari dining.

“We got so much out of our Safari Guide. It really helped us prepare even though we’ve been on Safari before and knew what to expect.”