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When Nielah was younger, she voraciously read books. She especially loved those about Africa and her wildlife. And one of those books was African Game Trials by Theodore Roosevelt. In it, Roosevelt popularized the word “safari” to a worldwide audience– a term derived from the Swahili word for “journey”. But it was his descriptions of the animals of Kenya that enthralled Nielah and, along with other classic books about Africa, began her lifelong passion for Africa, her communities, and her wildlife.

As the centennial of Roosevelt’s 1909-1910 safari approached in 2008, Nielah developed a safari that re-created a sense of his original safari itinerary. Although some of the destinations he visited were no longer home to wildlife, there are places where the overall experience remains the same– places where people can witness the same species as they life their daily lives in the varied habitats of Kenya. This Dream Safari features some of those destinations.

Safari Professionals encourages you to take a look at the President Roosevelt Dream Safari. Perhaps, it may inspire you to dream of your own safari or think about fulfilling one more destination on your “bucket lists”. If you’d like to share some of your thoughts about your own dream safari, please contact us here for a no-obligation initial conversation that may make your dream come true!
